Tuesday, November 24, 2009

tic tac toe - x's and o's

okay so i just woke up and guess what time it is!? blog time! lol. alright so today was a bad yet good day. it started off bad because my other half *ahem* was in a really really bad mood. she was really down but of course, it was my job to cheer her up and i did :). in the morning she made me worry sick because i was running around school like a "maniac" looking for her because she was not there. i was willing to wait at the front of the school for her until she arrived. luckily she came to school at the last moment. so then lunch came around and i spent lunch with her and her friends. this was the turnaround point. she started to loosen up with my lame jokes and started to smile. i was relieved to see this and it made me smile as well. but i didn't start there. i wanted to make her smile more lol. so then after 3rd period i did the most lame thing a guy could possibly do. so we have matching necklaces and on a part of the necklace, it says "tic tac toe". we've been wondering what it meant for the longest time! so then today i found the most perfect meaning haha. so then in the stairwell, i asked her "you know how our necklaces say tic tac toe? well yeah, i finally know what it means!" and then i asked her "what do you play tic tac toe with?" she replied x's and o's. after that i asked "what do x's and o's stand for?" and her reply was hugs and kisses. so then i leaned in and gave her a kiss. hahaha yeah i know, i am so lame. "she" says i'm embarrassing, but i know she loves it <3 that was basically the highlight of my day. laterrs !

ps. you still don't know my dream LOL <-- you know who you are :). imissyou.

creating magic like a magician,
melody heartbeat like a musician.

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