Saturday, November 21, 2009

fun day but near death experience?!

okay today was pretty good. i woke up at around 12:30pm and *ahem* called me to tell me whats up about the plans today. and that's when i realized i had to be ready, dressed, and out the door in 30 mins haha. but i kinda took my time and left at around 1:20 ish. so then i arrived at vmills and i hung out with a couple friends. things we're going good and we were having a pretty okay time. then we all got tired, and i suggested we hang out at the bbtea place! yes, as everyone knows. im fob! so of course the bbtea place :). we played like 234823984023948 rounds of big two. i was obviously the winner! haha i lie, i came like last.. i wasn't even playing serious because i was letting *ahem* win all the time :) i want my FOR REAL rematch! you know who you are :) also, while we were there, me and *she* were kinda very close <3 and every moment was treasured. and at this very moment while writing this i kinda miss her :P but she already knows that. so after vmills me and my guy friends went to AMC to catch a movie. first we saw "forth kind" it was so horrible that we left 30 mins into the movie. then i suggested ASTRO BOY! haha yet again, a fob choice :) it turned out great! i think i enjoyed it the most because it was sort of an anime hahaha. so then after the movies there was an argument about something stupid which im not gonna get into.. but yeah we'll just leave it at that. so then while i was walking home from my bus stop (approx 30 mins away from home) i had a near life death experience. ONE i almost got ran over. and two! after my friends left me because i live the furthest. i almost got jumped.. lol? a group of 3 guys came up to me and surrounded me asking me for stuff. i didn't know what they wanted because i had only one thought in mind.. to run. so as the started pushing me around i got super super scared! i had no idea what was installed for me. so then i started talking to them. i said "alright what do you want" and they said "open your bag" so then i took off my bag and they all stood in front of me. as they separated from around me, i started to sprint. they tried chasing after me but i safely got away. they were fairly slow. im almost certain they were drunk and high lol.. what losers. but lucky for me i lived about 6 mins away from where they stopped me so i just ran into my home. and lucky for me my parents are out clubbing -_-. can i say FML? haha. but yeah, near life death experience! and i am so thankful that i am safe.. i know this may sound childish but i cried my eyes out when i got home. i was terrified and still am :( and god! where is "she" when i need to talk to her most! haha enjoy reading, this was kinda long.

creating magic like a magician,
melody heartbeat like a musician.