Saturday, November 14, 2009

so "she" knows what i did today

today is saturday the 14th, 1 day after friday the 13th! and oh boy can i say this day suckedd!! it was as if friday the 13th's "badluck" struck me late! haha. life fail. so i woke up today thinking i was gonna go to yorkdale with my friends. but not only did i wake up at 3pm, but my friends called me up and said its a flop >:O like wth!?!? so then i lay in bed for an hour and thought about what i should do.. after an hour of thinking, i came up with the greatest idea :) NOTHING. so then my grandma calls and asks if i wanted to come over and im like "ZOMG OKAY". so right now, while typing this, im at my grandmas house. and it's the first time i get to see my aunt since she got pregnant :O.. she looks the same. LOL. safe to say that's a pregnant look fail? ( i think i use the word fail excessively) Excessively : going beyond the usual // just too much. <-- for "she" since she's just so dumb with big words :) <3. so overall, my day would be rated like 4/10. F.A.I.L :( but hopefully im going out to watch 2012 with my uncle and aunt later on so lets pray that turns out decent. oh and before i forget, GO DO YOUR HOMEWORK, MISS "i'm not slacking off anymore" - you know who you are <3

creating magic like a magician,
melody heartbeat like a musician.

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