Friday, November 20, 2009

"ima let y'all finish, but im the craziest azn kid of all time"

alright so today was an alright day. nothing much happened at school except for one event that made me so sad! this occurred in the morning! you know who you are and what you did! *ahem, ahem*! :). after school was my friends small get together at lucky lane strikes or something like that. but basically it was like 7 of us guys just playing pool there. and yes i am exceptionally very bad at pool :( and *ahem* had to rub it in my face! LOL. but yeahh, i like trying out new things, and "she" likes that. but she dislikes how i don't do things im fairly good at because im lazy :) haha. one day loser, one day! so after pool me and my friend went to some girls birthday party thing. we watched new moon. im not gonna say how it was because i dont want to spoil it for anyone who wants to watch it. but ill be watching it again with someone else special i believe next week <3 once again you know who you are ;). at the movies i was really hyper and i screamed alot during the movie O_O. there was this one part after the movie was finished. and i yelled out "AYE EVERYONE. WHEN I SAY NEW, YOU SAY MOON!" and yeah it was kinda embarrassing but ohwell. only a couple kids and an old lady actually followed along with me.. sad. then after that we went to the house party part. all we did was basically open presents and eat pizza. so that was my day, have fun.

creating magic like a magician,
melody heartbeat like a musician.