Saturday, November 28, 2009

for yesterday

okay so i thought i would wake up at around 12ish yesterday to write my blog for yesterday, but i guess i was so tired i slept from 10pm until now LOL. so this is for yesterday. anyway, yesterday was an amazing night. ill skip what happened at school and just jump right into what happened after school. so after school me and *ahem* and her friends went to vmills and then to the movies. we watched new moon! i was really happy to be able to watch it with "her", even though it was my second time watching it. my second time watching it was even better :) because it was with her of course. haha. after the movie, we all hung out outside of the theatre. and i was waiting for like 10 mins for a bunch of random people to stop comming in and out of the theatre. but yesterday night was packed. so i then asked her friends if i could talk to "her" in private. the reason for this is because earlier that day at school i gave her a note, with a few words on it. it was a part of the song that i wrote her. so then on the way to the movies i said i'd give her the rest. and this is when i did. after her friends left us alone for a bit, i got really really super nervous haha. because i wasn't just gonna give her the rest of the song on paper. but i was going to recite the whole thing in front of her. this is something i've never thought of doing, but i knew i had to do it. i was shaking in the inside a hell lot and my heart was beating a trillion times a second. so then i pulled her into a corner and starting reciting the song. it turned out to be a success! i only messed up like once or twice tho haha which isn't too bad despite i was more nervous than i had ever been in my life! so after the song, i looked into her eyes and asked her out. haha whoever reads this might be thinking "wait.. weren't you two going out before!?" haha. no we weren't. why? because we're cool like that, we're cool like that LOL <-- she'll get that ;). so yeah she then said yes and we hugged. dam, i can't even count how many times she gave me butterflies that night or even how many times she made me smile. but nonetheless, i hope she enjoyed my song and cherishes it forever. iloveyou<3

creating magic like a magician,
melody heartbeat like a musician.