Sunday, November 15, 2009

my very long day :O

alright, so it's 11:30 that i am starting this. i just got home, and the first thing i did was hop onto my blog to write about my day. why? because i KNOW that "she" would be wondering what i did today + because she misses me :) LOL RIGHT!? - you know who you are <3. but anyway, this was a pretty exciting sunday. most of my sundays only contain a bed, a blanket, and SLEEP. haha. but this sunday had full of surprises. firstly, i woke up and ate (obviously) and then i was off to scarborough town centre. it was pretty boring there, but oh wells. after that, i went to fairview mall :O i actually bought something here, i got a new pair of shoes.. haha oh, for those who do not know; i am a shoe fanatic :). alright so after shopping at fairview (oh btw whole day was spent with aunt and uncle, no GIRLIES - haha for "she" who would be wondering) i went to a funeral home. yes, i know "how sad" :(. and yes it was. i was never good at handling deaths of loved ones or deaths of loved ones OF loved ones. lol <-- yes that made sense :). but the grandmother of my uncle's girlfriend, Gina passed away. may you rest in peace Mrs. Diem Ngoc Thi Banh. (5 stars for remembering her name :D). alright, after the funeral, i went to see a movie. i saw *drumroll* 2012. i personally, thought it wasn't as epic as people anticipated :( - *sigh* whatta disappointment. but even after this long and exciting day, my mind comes down to one thing. or should i say one person. harhar, figure it out noob :)

This was my stalker photo of this HOT chick at the funeral home. haha she got pwned :) but dam, she had a SMOKING behind, i just couldn't resist :)

creating magic like a magician,
melody heartbeat like a musician.

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