Monday, November 23, 2009

quick post

alright so i just got home from school and i hopped on my blog to write this. im just gonna make it a quick one because i have a load of homework and assignments that i have to start haha. i really have to stop procrastinating :( ughh mad english and science work. but oh well im quick with work cus im a genius LOL jkjk.. so today was kinda a bummy day. i hate those days when there's bad weather and you have a bad day. but yeah, a part of the way i feel during the day is reflected from how the weather is. so if the weather's ugly, im ugly LOL if it's nice im nice. but it just so happened today was kinda gloomy so yeah. not much occurred today. school is self explanatory and so forth. im not really looking forward to anything tonight except for a certain phone call from a certain somebody <3 who looked really cute today i might add LOL imissyousomuch

ps. matching necklaces tomorrow? :)

creating magic like a magician,
melody heartbeat like a musician.

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