Monday, November 16, 2009

couldn't keep it in

i know i usually only do one post a day, but i feel like writing another one right now. i just woke up and i've gotten a feeling that i haven't felt in ages! it's a bad, yet good feeling tho haha. i woke up feeling something was missing - or rather someone. this an unbearable feeling! it's good because i know just how much i care about her to feel this way. but it's bad because it's driving me insane! like to the point where i want to just run over to her house - no matter how long it takes. and then throw rocks at her window till she looks out. even just a slight glimpse of her face would make not only my night, but my entire day. wow, it's times like this where i can say i'm falling for her more and more with every passing day.

crazy with you,
crazier without.