Monday, November 30, 2009

untitled poem

for you. you know who you are :) i kinda sorta maybe miss you :( hahas <3

bad guys do good things, just as good guys can do bad
tell me which way you'd like it and i'll be the best you ever had
what you mean to me is on another level, beyond the great blue skies and even above
keeping this thought in mind, we can safely say.. this is love
we're brighter than the stars and higher than space
baby, you keep me warm with a loving embrace
right now i feel so crazy, so crazy over you
i just need a kiss from your lips, tell me what am i to do
i wanna dance with you, not wild and crazy, but nice and slow
while we listen to our songs, your body with mine, we'll have a nice flow
watch how our bodies move side to side and sway
living in our own fantasy, taking our souls away
it's you that i'm thinking of, not of myself
it's you that i need, not anyone else.

digital love

i just got home from school and i still can't seem to get my mind off of you.. why do you have to be so addicting for :( every minute of every hour, and of every day, it's you that i think of >:O haha but anyway, even tho we were just at school together, i'm already beginning to really miss the heck out of you.. but yeah, on the way home i was listening to my ipod and came across this old song :) enjoy. iloveyou<3

last night, i had a dream about you,
in this dream, im dancing right beside you
it looked, like everyone was having fun
the kind of feeling i waited so long

don't stop, come a little closer
as we jam, the rhythm gets stronger
there's nothing wrong, with just a little, little fun
we were dancing all night long

the time is right to put my arms around you
you're feeling right, you wrap your arms around too
but suddenly, i feel the shining sun
before i knew it, this dream was all gone.

crazy with you,
crazier without.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

flashing lights, webcam night

yesterday night i was on msn and webcam with MY girlfriend for like 3 hours lol.. haven't been on msn for that long in years ;o. but nonetheless, i had a great night just talking to her <3 espeicially when i kicked her BUTT in checkers! - im still undefeated baby :) haha, hope you read this when you get home/on :) ill probably be out but i just wanted to blog this before i go. i love you <3

crazy with you,
crazier without.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

what a nuisance :(

princess alexandra lani monique do nguyen the third is the gayest girlfriend in the whole world, but i couldn't, wouldn't, and would never ask for another one. because she is the one i need and the one i'll love with all of my heart forever & always <3 :)

crazy with you,
crazier without.

for yesterday

okay so i thought i would wake up at around 12ish yesterday to write my blog for yesterday, but i guess i was so tired i slept from 10pm until now LOL. so this is for yesterday. anyway, yesterday was an amazing night. ill skip what happened at school and just jump right into what happened after school. so after school me and *ahem* and her friends went to vmills and then to the movies. we watched new moon! i was really happy to be able to watch it with "her", even though it was my second time watching it. my second time watching it was even better :) because it was with her of course. haha. after the movie, we all hung out outside of the theatre. and i was waiting for like 10 mins for a bunch of random people to stop comming in and out of the theatre. but yesterday night was packed. so i then asked her friends if i could talk to "her" in private. the reason for this is because earlier that day at school i gave her a note, with a few words on it. it was a part of the song that i wrote her. so then on the way to the movies i said i'd give her the rest. and this is when i did. after her friends left us alone for a bit, i got really really super nervous haha. because i wasn't just gonna give her the rest of the song on paper. but i was going to recite the whole thing in front of her. this is something i've never thought of doing, but i knew i had to do it. i was shaking in the inside a hell lot and my heart was beating a trillion times a second. so then i pulled her into a corner and starting reciting the song. it turned out to be a success! i only messed up like once or twice tho haha which isn't too bad despite i was more nervous than i had ever been in my life! so after the song, i looked into her eyes and asked her out. haha whoever reads this might be thinking "wait.. weren't you two going out before!?" haha. no we weren't. why? because we're cool like that, we're cool like that LOL <-- she'll get that ;). so yeah she then said yes and we hugged. dam, i can't even count how many times she gave me butterflies that night or even how many times she made me smile. but nonetheless, i hope she enjoyed my song and cherishes it forever. iloveyou<3

creating magic like a magician,
melody heartbeat like a musician.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

goodnight baby. sweet dreams. iloveyou.
baby, i can't stop thinking of you. imissyou.

rainy day freestyle poem.

alright this was a poem i was thinking about in my head while walking home from my bus stop. while walking home, i looked up and saw the weather was so ugly lol so i decided to write about it. enjoy :)

walking home and something caught my eye
looked up at the sky and i wondered why?
clouds so dark and full of pain
inflicting damage upon everyone's thoughts, driving them insane
i wish the winds would blow, just blow the clouds away
blow the clouds so hard that they'd come back another day
time passing so slow, just staring at the clock
my mind's full of haze, with all of these blocked thoughts
trying to let out, but being kept in
thinking of things, and what could have been
within these enclosed walls, i feel the suffocation
it's hard to breathe, as if my life's reached it's expiration
i feel this deep need to just get out of here
to just leave this dark room and go out with no fear
the outside world is mentally and physically scary
all of these dark thoughts in mind,
it's making me tired, god dam, it's making me weary.
im sitting here with nothing to do
wishing the rain would go away, how about you?

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

tic tac toe - x's and o's

okay so i just woke up and guess what time it is!? blog time! lol. alright so today was a bad yet good day. it started off bad because my other half *ahem* was in a really really bad mood. she was really down but of course, it was my job to cheer her up and i did :). in the morning she made me worry sick because i was running around school like a "maniac" looking for her because she was not there. i was willing to wait at the front of the school for her until she arrived. luckily she came to school at the last moment. so then lunch came around and i spent lunch with her and her friends. this was the turnaround point. she started to loosen up with my lame jokes and started to smile. i was relieved to see this and it made me smile as well. but i didn't start there. i wanted to make her smile more lol. so then after 3rd period i did the most lame thing a guy could possibly do. so we have matching necklaces and on a part of the necklace, it says "tic tac toe". we've been wondering what it meant for the longest time! so then today i found the most perfect meaning haha. so then in the stairwell, i asked her "you know how our necklaces say tic tac toe? well yeah, i finally know what it means!" and then i asked her "what do you play tic tac toe with?" she replied x's and o's. after that i asked "what do x's and o's stand for?" and her reply was hugs and kisses. so then i leaned in and gave her a kiss. hahaha yeah i know, i am so lame. "she" says i'm embarrassing, but i know she loves it <3 that was basically the highlight of my day. laterrs !

ps. you still don't know my dream LOL <-- you know who you are :). imissyou.

creating magic like a magician,
melody heartbeat like a musician.

Monday, November 23, 2009

quick post

alright so i just got home from school and i hopped on my blog to write this. im just gonna make it a quick one because i have a load of homework and assignments that i have to start haha. i really have to stop procrastinating :( ughh mad english and science work. but oh well im quick with work cus im a genius LOL jkjk.. so today was kinda a bummy day. i hate those days when there's bad weather and you have a bad day. but yeah, a part of the way i feel during the day is reflected from how the weather is. so if the weather's ugly, im ugly LOL if it's nice im nice. but it just so happened today was kinda gloomy so yeah. not much occurred today. school is self explanatory and so forth. im not really looking forward to anything tonight except for a certain phone call from a certain somebody <3 who looked really cute today i might add LOL imissyousomuch

ps. matching necklaces tomorrow? :)

creating magic like a magician,
melody heartbeat like a musician.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

fun day but near death experience?!

okay today was pretty good. i woke up at around 12:30pm and *ahem* called me to tell me whats up about the plans today. and that's when i realized i had to be ready, dressed, and out the door in 30 mins haha. but i kinda took my time and left at around 1:20 ish. so then i arrived at vmills and i hung out with a couple friends. things we're going good and we were having a pretty okay time. then we all got tired, and i suggested we hang out at the bbtea place! yes, as everyone knows. im fob! so of course the bbtea place :). we played like 234823984023948 rounds of big two. i was obviously the winner! haha i lie, i came like last.. i wasn't even playing serious because i was letting *ahem* win all the time :) i want my FOR REAL rematch! you know who you are :) also, while we were there, me and *she* were kinda very close <3 and every moment was treasured. and at this very moment while writing this i kinda miss her :P but she already knows that. so after vmills me and my guy friends went to AMC to catch a movie. first we saw "forth kind" it was so horrible that we left 30 mins into the movie. then i suggested ASTRO BOY! haha yet again, a fob choice :) it turned out great! i think i enjoyed it the most because it was sort of an anime hahaha. so then after the movies there was an argument about something stupid which im not gonna get into.. but yeah we'll just leave it at that. so then while i was walking home from my bus stop (approx 30 mins away from home) i had a near life death experience. ONE i almost got ran over. and two! after my friends left me because i live the furthest. i almost got jumped.. lol? a group of 3 guys came up to me and surrounded me asking me for stuff. i didn't know what they wanted because i had only one thought in mind.. to run. so as the started pushing me around i got super super scared! i had no idea what was installed for me. so then i started talking to them. i said "alright what do you want" and they said "open your bag" so then i took off my bag and they all stood in front of me. as they separated from around me, i started to sprint. they tried chasing after me but i safely got away. they were fairly slow. im almost certain they were drunk and high lol.. what losers. but lucky for me i lived about 6 mins away from where they stopped me so i just ran into my home. and lucky for me my parents are out clubbing -_-. can i say FML? haha. but yeah, near life death experience! and i am so thankful that i am safe.. i know this may sound childish but i cried my eyes out when i got home. i was terrified and still am :( and god! where is "she" when i need to talk to her most! haha enjoy reading, this was kinda long.

creating magic like a magician,
melody heartbeat like a musician.

Friday, November 20, 2009

"ima let y'all finish, but im the craziest azn kid of all time"

alright so today was an alright day. nothing much happened at school except for one event that made me so sad! this occurred in the morning! you know who you are and what you did! *ahem, ahem*! :). after school was my friends small get together at lucky lane strikes or something like that. but basically it was like 7 of us guys just playing pool there. and yes i am exceptionally very bad at pool :( and *ahem* had to rub it in my face! LOL. but yeahh, i like trying out new things, and "she" likes that. but she dislikes how i don't do things im fairly good at because im lazy :) haha. one day loser, one day! so after pool me and my friend went to some girls birthday party thing. we watched new moon. im not gonna say how it was because i dont want to spoil it for anyone who wants to watch it. but ill be watching it again with someone else special i believe next week <3 once again you know who you are ;). at the movies i was really hyper and i screamed alot during the movie O_O. there was this one part after the movie was finished. and i yelled out "AYE EVERYONE. WHEN I SAY NEW, YOU SAY MOON!" and yeah it was kinda embarrassing but ohwell. only a couple kids and an old lady actually followed along with me.. sad. then after that we went to the house party part. all we did was basically open presents and eat pizza. so that was my day, have fun.

creating magic like a magician,
melody heartbeat like a musician.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

"lets take a walk down happy trail lane"

alright i just woke up and im getting prepared to do my homework. so today was the most ugly most terrible, horrendous, disgusting, fartfaced, looking day outside EVER. it was so foggy and dark! holy! but for me, it turned out to be a a good day despite the ugly weather. so this morning i asked "her" if she wanted to take the long way to class or the short. she answered long. so as we were walking down the hallway, "she" said the most ugly, and lame thing i've EVER heard. "lets take a walk down happy trail lane" hahaha. "she" is so embarrassing :( it kills me lol. later on that day, i went to go eat pho :O it was soooo good! haven't eaten pho in so long, since my nanny/maid/whatever does not know how to make it.. *sadface*. but yeah, the pho was like.. orgasmic :) haha. after lunch and 3rd period class, i went to go pick up "mrs. whatsherface" at her class. and it was hilarious. we were in the stairwell as she dragged me to a corner. you may be thinking what happened. but lets just say she wanted to talk as well as "A Talk". LOL <-- you know who you are and what i mean <3 (inside joke). and that was pretty much my school day. but when i got home i heard some pretty disturbing things while i was on the phone. apparently, dogs get periods and can wear diapers + underwear. this sight has officially scarred me for life :( <-- you know who you are! so that was my disastrous-weather-looking, good day :). havefun.

creating magic like a magician,
melody heartbeat like a musician.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

"do you like my pillow"

today was a pretty boring day for me! so this post is probably gonna be short :( but anyway i woke up this morning and i actually put thought into what i was going to wear! i usually don't but i thought i would just this once for "ahem" :). and luckily for me "she" liked what i wore today! but its funny how on all the days that "she" likes how i dress. she dresses to terribly LOOL. she looked so nasty today with her tna's (which sadly i bought her) and her green-winged shirt. is it safe to say "she" was disgusting? <3>.< <--- "she'll understand what i mean :)". lastly, something happened today that shocked me! it happened when i was walking "her" to her gym class. it had me smiling and thinking even after i got to class <-- you know who you are and what you did ;). well yeah that's basically by day. (sorry that this blog turned out short, hopefully there will be more things to talk about tomorrow :D).

p.s. ireallymissyou.

creating magic like a magician,
melody heartbeat like a musician.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009


this song is dedicated to that one special girl <3 - you know who you are ;). dam, i wish i could have written this song before this guy :( but yeah i hope you all enjoy the lyrics!


Natural attraction like the sun and earth
The main attraction in my universe
Its so magnetic kinetic I love your energy

You make it easy for us to be what we supposed to be
I hope this is a start of a new journey, journey
Cause I got a touch of you and now I’m happy
You really got a hold of me
There’s a hold you got on me, girl, that keeps me close
Couldn’t leave if I wanted to let you know
It’s like gravity, gravity
Like gravity, gravity
That pulls me, pulls me in
Pulls me like gravity

Since we’ve connected everything’s that’s changed
A new direction but the paths the same
I light up like a falling star when you’re next to me
And baby you are the reason as far as I can see

I hope this is a start of a new journey, journey
Cause I got a touch of you and now I’m happy
Look at what you’ve done to me
There’s a hold you got on me, girl, that keeps me close
Couldn’t leave if I wanted to let you know
It’s like gravity, gravity
Like gravity, gravity
That pulls me, pulls me in
Pulls me like gravity

creating magic like a magician,
melody heartbeat like a musician.

random places and funny faces

today was a pretty good day ;o i chilled with my *ahem* friend's friends ! haha. they were pretty cool and down to earth. except for one thing. one of her friends kept giving me weird faces! LOL. i thought they were dirty looks at first, but then "she" said it was normal. so i gotta work on determining her normal faces from her dirty ones lol.. but anyway, so i saw this girl today wearing a black top, and i thought she was really ugly :) LOL <-- you know who you are! but sadly enough, right now im kinda waiting for the same ugly girl's phone call. she said she'd call me back in a few but it's already been 20 mins :P kinda getting impatient haha. but oh well, ill wait for her :). after school i went to the mall with my boys. we didn't do much except eat, walk around, and played big two with a STOLEN deck of cards <-- yes we are so bad >:) aha. but that's about it for my day. kinda short :( hopefully, more things will occur tomorrow.

creating magic like a magician,
melody heartbeat like a musician.

Monday, November 16, 2009

chance - fn

i wrote this song a couple days back and i've been holding it off from posting it up. but i've finally decided to post it :) - dedicated to that one person. you know who you are <3


Hey little lady, how you doing, can I sit here?
Couldn’t help but notice that you sittin’ all alone
It’s okay you ain’t gotta look at me, but I, wanna invest just a little time to see could I?
Maybe get to know your name, well that’s okay here’s mine
See I’m new in town, and you look so lovely, I just thought I’d say to you
If it’s okay for you, to let this perfect stranger, take a stroll into your heart
To take a look around, have I sparked your interest now?
But maybe I would be the man that you should be sitting next to
Could you take a chance to let me in
You’ll be glad you did, put away your fears
Cast your doubt aside, you’ll be alright
Trust me with half your heart, I’ll give you half of mine, if you let me in
It’s fascinating, this chemistry can feel me resonating
It’s incising girl, I want you in my world
And you looked so lovely so I just thought I would say to you
If it’s okay for you, to let this perfect stranger take a stroll into your heart
To take a look around, have I sparked your interest now?
But maybe I would be the man that you should be sitting next

creating magic like a magician,
melody heartbeat like a musician.

couldn't keep it in

i know i usually only do one post a day, but i feel like writing another one right now. i just woke up and i've gotten a feeling that i haven't felt in ages! it's a bad, yet good feeling tho haha. i woke up feeling something was missing - or rather someone. this an unbearable feeling! it's good because i know just how much i care about her to feel this way. but it's bad because it's driving me insane! like to the point where i want to just run over to her house - no matter how long it takes. and then throw rocks at her window till she looks out. even just a slight glimpse of her face would make not only my night, but my entire day. wow, it's times like this where i can say i'm falling for her more and more with every passing day.

crazy with you,
crazier without.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

my very long day :O

alright, so it's 11:30 that i am starting this. i just got home, and the first thing i did was hop onto my blog to write about my day. why? because i KNOW that "she" would be wondering what i did today + because she misses me :) LOL RIGHT!? - you know who you are <3. but anyway, this was a pretty exciting sunday. most of my sundays only contain a bed, a blanket, and SLEEP. haha. but this sunday had full of surprises. firstly, i woke up and ate (obviously) and then i was off to scarborough town centre. it was pretty boring there, but oh wells. after that, i went to fairview mall :O i actually bought something here, i got a new pair of shoes.. haha oh, for those who do not know; i am a shoe fanatic :). alright so after shopping at fairview (oh btw whole day was spent with aunt and uncle, no GIRLIES - haha for "she" who would be wondering) i went to a funeral home. yes, i know "how sad" :(. and yes it was. i was never good at handling deaths of loved ones or deaths of loved ones OF loved ones. lol <-- yes that made sense :). but the grandmother of my uncle's girlfriend, Gina passed away. may you rest in peace Mrs. Diem Ngoc Thi Banh. (5 stars for remembering her name :D). alright, after the funeral, i went to see a movie. i saw *drumroll* 2012. i personally, thought it wasn't as epic as people anticipated :( - *sigh* whatta disappointment. but even after this long and exciting day, my mind comes down to one thing. or should i say one person. harhar, figure it out noob :)

This was my stalker photo of this HOT chick at the funeral home. haha she got pwned :) but dam, she had a SMOKING behind, i just couldn't resist :)

creating magic like a magician,
melody heartbeat like a musician.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

so "she" knows what i did today

today is saturday the 14th, 1 day after friday the 13th! and oh boy can i say this day suckedd!! it was as if friday the 13th's "badluck" struck me late! haha. life fail. so i woke up today thinking i was gonna go to yorkdale with my friends. but not only did i wake up at 3pm, but my friends called me up and said its a flop >:O like wth!?!? so then i lay in bed for an hour and thought about what i should do.. after an hour of thinking, i came up with the greatest idea :) NOTHING. so then my grandma calls and asks if i wanted to come over and im like "ZOMG OKAY". so right now, while typing this, im at my grandmas house. and it's the first time i get to see my aunt since she got pregnant :O.. she looks the same. LOL. safe to say that's a pregnant look fail? ( i think i use the word fail excessively) Excessively : going beyond the usual // just too much. <-- for "she" since she's just so dumb with big words :) <3. so overall, my day would be rated like 4/10. F.A.I.L :( but hopefully im going out to watch 2012 with my uncle and aunt later on so lets pray that turns out decent. oh and before i forget, GO DO YOUR HOMEWORK, MISS "i'm not slacking off anymore" - you know who you are <3

creating magic like a magician,
melody heartbeat like a musician.

Friday, November 13, 2009

friday the 13 :O

aite, so today was friday the thirteenth and it was a very fun day for me :D then again, all my friday the 13ths have always been a good day rather than bad. so today i woke up at like 6:30 and i was pantless.. LOL?! i'm beginning to think someone rapes me at night :P seeing as this is not the first that his unfaithful event has occurred. school was alright, except the fact that i am loaded with assignments that will keep me busy for the next week or so. but knowing me, ill most likely procrastinate. oh and omg, i got the worst mark on my midterm today. i had both 67 in math and science.. like double "U" tee eff!? i blame my chicken pox which has kept me away from school for 2 weeks.. *sigh*. fml na? haha. but anyway, after school i went to vmills and had a pretty good time, despite the fact that all i did was eat pho, drink bbtea, and play big 2.. i told you i was fob :). oh and before i forget, i saw this girl today wearing a polka dotted shirt. it looked HIDEOUS! haha you know who you are :) - btw, this blog was created because "she" made one, and i thought i'd fill her in on my life if she was ever wondering :) YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE NOOB <3

creating magic like a magician,
melody heartbeat like a musician.