Sunday, December 20, 2009


dam baby, it's been 16 months since we first became a couple LOL i lieee 28 months babe! that is 2 years and 4 months! it feels just like last week was when i first asked you out. and dam, was that a very special and life altering day. we've been through many rough times. but like we always do, we fight through those times to look forward to another sunny day :) we've been through so many things! i don't even know where to begin haha. but every moment spent was every moment treasured <3 you've made a huge impact on my life. and know that it was for the better. no one makes me happier than you do. don't you ever forget it! you mean more than the world to me and more than words can explain :) i really really miss you right now :( and you totally put my hopes up high! making me think you would call me tonight, but by the looks of it, that aint happening LOL. but that's okay, we'll talk tomorrow :) so yeahh that's all i wanted to say :O. i love you with all my heart, forever and always <3 :)

Thursday, December 3, 2009

noobie :)

alright babe, we got off the phone like a couple minutes ago and i miss you already <3 you and your gayness is just so irresistible. just everything about you :) but yeah! you know what you should do for me!? write a blog once in a while :( i wanna read about you too ya know! haha. so yeahh! i shall talk to you tomorrow! or maybe even see you later ;) in my dreams.. LOL. gay T__T

i love you baby ♥

crazy with you,
crazier without.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

hockey game :)

today was a half school day! the other half of "school" was a police vs teachers hockey game, which i got to watch with my girlfriend :) it was the first sports thing we've ever done together besides the time we went to watch her cousin play soccer. but that was noob LOL. so yeahh. but what made me smile was the fact that she wanted to go watch a basketball game with me :) because i've always thought of bringing her to a ball game as well. and hopefully one day ill get to take her to one :). later on that day when we got home, she called me and i beat her to the punch line haha! she wanted to tell me she missed me when i picked up. but right as i picked up, i said it first >:) - too slow baby <3 but yeah, we got to talk on the phone for about 2 hours. OMFG LOL she just called me again. so i'm writing this as we speak :) so ill stop here, since im talking to her <3

creating magic like a magician,
melody heartbeat like a musician.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

baby, it's you that i miss
baby, it's you that i'm thinking of

crazy with you,
crazier without.

can i say ouch?

alright so i just woke up from this super loud eerie ear-piercing noise! i was like mad pissed off LOL as you know, i don't like being waken up by stupid/loud things :( but anyway, so i went downstairs to check it out and it was my brother! he was crying and crying. so then i asked my mom what was wrong. she said that my nanny (irene) was ironing clothes, and then put the iron down for a split second, and then the dumb child comes running out of no where and touches the hot iron and burned his hand. i feel so sorry for my brother :( i think it's like a family curse haha. when i was young i also burned my hand on an iron. i now have like a black dot on my finger lol. but yeah, his hand was all red and different sized. the burnt hand was 2 times the size of the unburnt one :( i feel his pain.. i hope he feels better and stops crying, cus i can't deal with all of this noise lol. so yeah, back to me. this morning was a very interesting one ;) i told my girlfriend that i'd come to school early to be with her, since she was gonna be there early as well. i hope she appreciates what i have to go through LOL waking up an hour earlier than usual PLUS walking through a blizzard this morning. but that was quite fun asides the fact that i ended up with white hair from the snow haha. so yeah when we met up at school, we went into our "hideout" LMFAO. yes, we are so gay that we have a hideout at school, to get away from everyone else so that we could spend time with each other :) haha. so in our hideout we did a lot of "talking" *ahem* you know who you are and what i mean ;) rawrr. to normal people, talking is a conversation with an exchange of words. with us.. "talking" is a conversation with an exchange of kisses and affection LMFAOO. - sorry babe, i had to say it :). but nonetheless it was fun and breathtaking. but while we were there, i did the stupidest thing lol. i showed he how i wanted to pose in a picture with her and accidently ran my face into the window LOL. she didn't help me or see if i was okay, but rather fell on her butt and laughed :( what a nice girlfriend i have huh!? so yeah, then at lunch me and her friends went to this bubble tea shop. at the shop, me and my girlfriend played connect four. she is the BIGGEST noob in the whole world! she was so bad at the game haha. so then i secretly let her win to feel happy :) - get better baby, then we'll have a rematch for reals >:). later on that day i got so angry! these stupid people were painting where we usually go after 3rd period so then we didn't get to have our time there :( saddening haha. - maybe tomorrow baby :). oh wait nvm, tomorrow we're going to a hockey game during 3rd and 4th period. so i hope that'll be fun. i think this was longer than usual but hope you enjoyed reading :)


creating magic like a magician,
melody heartbeat like a musician.

Monday, November 30, 2009

untitled poem

for you. you know who you are :) i kinda sorta maybe miss you :( hahas <3

bad guys do good things, just as good guys can do bad
tell me which way you'd like it and i'll be the best you ever had
what you mean to me is on another level, beyond the great blue skies and even above
keeping this thought in mind, we can safely say.. this is love
we're brighter than the stars and higher than space
baby, you keep me warm with a loving embrace
right now i feel so crazy, so crazy over you
i just need a kiss from your lips, tell me what am i to do
i wanna dance with you, not wild and crazy, but nice and slow
while we listen to our songs, your body with mine, we'll have a nice flow
watch how our bodies move side to side and sway
living in our own fantasy, taking our souls away
it's you that i'm thinking of, not of myself
it's you that i need, not anyone else.

digital love

i just got home from school and i still can't seem to get my mind off of you.. why do you have to be so addicting for :( every minute of every hour, and of every day, it's you that i think of >:O haha but anyway, even tho we were just at school together, i'm already beginning to really miss the heck out of you.. but yeah, on the way home i was listening to my ipod and came across this old song :) enjoy. iloveyou<3

last night, i had a dream about you,
in this dream, im dancing right beside you
it looked, like everyone was having fun
the kind of feeling i waited so long

don't stop, come a little closer
as we jam, the rhythm gets stronger
there's nothing wrong, with just a little, little fun
we were dancing all night long

the time is right to put my arms around you
you're feeling right, you wrap your arms around too
but suddenly, i feel the shining sun
before i knew it, this dream was all gone.

crazy with you,
crazier without.